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Pornhub – Turbo G-Spot Vibrator


In Stock

From the 6 delightful vibrations, to the specially angled tip for maximum G-spot stimulation, the Turbo G-spot Vibe will never fail to satisfy. Choose from one of the 6 vibration settings and prepare to let this vibrator do things that no other vibrator can.

SKU: 5032264446411 Categories: , ,

From the 6 delightful vibrations, to the specially angled tip for maximum G-spot stimulation, the Turbo G-spot Vibe will never fail to satisfy. Choose from one of the 6 vibration settings and prepare to let this vibrator do things that no other vibrator can.
With 80 million daily visits Pornhub is the number one recognised and largest porn site worldwide. The official Pornhub collection is designed for ultimate satisfaction. The exclusive range includes men’s, women’s and couple’s toys packed with advanced technology and virtual reality experiences to blow your mind.
– Material: Silicone
– Battery: Lithium-ion Rechargeable
– Waterproof: yes
– Phthalate free

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